讲座题目: Planned Obsolescence and the Capitalocene: The Ecology of AirPods
主讲人: Sy Taffel博士 (梅西大学高级讲师,新西兰)
讲座时间:4月9日 下午2:00
ZOOM:2573998249 (密码:D##U55)
主讲人简介:Sy Taffel is a Senior Lecturer in Media Studies and co-director of the Political Ecology Research Centre at Massey University, Aotearoa-New Zealand. He is the author of Digital Media Ecologies (Bloomsbury 2019) and an editor of Ecological Entanglement in the Anthropocene (Lexington 2016) and Plastic Legacies: Pollution, Persistence and Politics (Athabasca University Press 2021). His research focuses on digital technology and the environment, digital media and society, automation, media and materiality, and digital labour.
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